Donor Advised Funds and their End of Year Tax Advantage
December 10, 2020
What is a Donor Advised Fund? This is a donor-designated fund that gives you flexibility in your charitable giving. Similar to a checking account, but [...]
Jim and Jackie are members of Sacred Heart Parish/Aberdeen. They have enjoyed supporting their parish as well as the St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center, as [...]
Some donors may benefit from concentrating, or “bunching” their charitable contributions for potential income tax savings. So what is bunching and how can it provide [...]
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an economic impact on many of our families, friends, and neighbors. While many applicants have actually returned to work, limited [...]
Image: Catholic Responsible Investing One of the most significant values of the Catholic Community Foundation for Eastern South Dakota (CCFESD) is [...]
Fiscal Year financials ending June 30, 2020 Investment Returns (using Catholic values screening): 2.3% Total CCFESD assets under management: $119M 830 permanent Endowments totaling $69M (Perpetual funds that each year [...]
The Catholic Community Foundation for Eastern South Dakota and Mount Marty University in Yankton, SD recently announced a new partnership. The foundation and the university [...]