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Volunteer Appreciation Day is celebrated annually on April 20 to honor all those who give their time, talents, and treasure to others.
The Catholic Community Foundation is grateful for everyone who willingly shares their passion for helping others with our team. From serving on our Board of Directors, event committees, in-office assistance, and everything in between, you are making a difference, and your efforts impact us daily.
This year, the Events and Marketing Team nominated a couple who continue to go above and beyond for the Foundation, their parish, and The Lourdes Center. As retired education professionals, they enjoy sharing their passion for connection, learning, and serving with those around them.
Barbara and John Lockwood have graciously served as the Chairs for Gift of Hope, a concert benefiting The Lourdes Center. As Chairs, they lead a team of volunteers in event planning, securing sponsorships, and selling tickets. They do not take these responsibilities lightly, and all who have worked alongside the Lockwoods or asked for their financial support know they aren’t afraid to make an ask and continue to follow up in hopes of a YES! Beyond serving on the Gift of Hope Committee, they help with projects in the office and at Taste the Goodness. You will always find them with a smile followed by “How can we help?” Thank you, Barbara and John, for your continued dedication to serving, leading, and learning.