Corn and soybeans are the bread and butter of most farmers in eastern South Dakota. The thought of giving these grains to the Catholic Community Foundation (CCFESD) before they get to the bin might seem strange to some. Yet many farmers are doing just that.

LaVern and Lulabell Becking, farmers who live southwest of Watertown, are members of Immaculate Conception Parish.  LaVern recently contacted Marne Hult, Gift Planning Officer for the CCFESD Watertown office, to let her know they were ready to make another gift of grain.

LaVern, 87 years young, and Lulabell shared how happy they were to learn of this opportunity three years ago. Ever since, they have been donating a portion of their crop to support the IC School Teacher’s Salary Endowment.

“We have been farming pretty much all of our lives. All our kids attended IC School, so it has always been very near and dear to us. The option to use our harvest, whatever it turns out to be, seems to be a great way to provide our support in accordance with the gifts we have received.”

The IRS provides a unique tax advantage for farmers to donate a portion of any crop or other commodity to charity. Before your commodity is sold, instruct the buyer to deposit the bushels in the name of the Catholic Community Foundation for Eastern South Dakota. CCFESD will accept your pre-tax donation for the benefit of the ministry of your choosing, including your local parish, school, cemetery, or other ministries. For more information contact CCFESD at 605.988.3777.

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