“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a person took, and sowed in a field.   It is the smallest of all the seeds, yet when full-grown it is the largest of plants.   It becomes a large bush, and the birds of the sky come and dwell in its branches.” – Matthew 13:31-32

Every year a farmer tills the soil, plants the seeds and prays for their crop to be abundant.  At the Catholic Community Foundation, we are planting the seeds for a legacy of faith.  Like the farmer, we till the soil (educate donors about ways of giving), plant the seeds (ask donors to prayerfully consider treating the church like a member of their family in their estate plan) and pray that the crop is abundant. We pray that the work we do touches the hearts of donors like you.  We pray that you will join in our vision of providing a ‘Future Full of Hope’ (Jer. 29:11) for the Catholic parishes, schools and ministries that mean the most to you.  We pray that by sharing your gifts in gratitude to God, you grow deeper in love with Christ.  We call this the ‘Joy of Giving!’

One example of this legacy of faith is the story of Ed and Agnes Casey.  In 1930, this young couple moved from Dolton to Mitchell, SD with a dream.  Their dream started with the faith of a mustard seed, but involved a different kind of seed – a watermelon seed.  Ed and Agnes started their family and their watermelon farm just south of Mitchell.  Over the years, this devout Catholic family was blessed with seven kids; all of who attended Notre Dame Catholic School in Mitchell.  Their family and their farm were built on a foundation of faith.  In 2001, an endowment was established by their children in their memory for the Catholic School in Mitchell.  Twenty years later, the legacy of Ed and Agnes Casey Family lives on in the halls of John Paul II Catholic School.  Each year a distribution is made to the school from their endowment for tuition assistance and has inspired others to consider making the school a part of their own stewardship.

The Casey Family legacy of faith has grown from a seed planted with hope into a beautiful harvest with everlasting rewards!
We invite you to consider your legacy of faith and establish your own endowment for the parish, school or ministry that means the most to you!  Call us today at 605-988-3788 or visit our website at www.ccfesd.org to learn more.

Take a peek into the lives of Ed & Agnes Casey family from this 1939 video featuring their watermelon farm.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPUDbaDjs0Y

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