These inspiring stories demonstrate the power of faith-based philanthropy to bring comfort to those in need — and joy to those who give.
Our Impact In Numbers
Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2024
Annual Giving Report
The Catholic Community Foundation for Eastern South Dakota (CCFESD) publishes an annual report of financial performance at the end of each fiscal year. These reports are intended to provide financial transparency in the performance and growth of the funds we manage for our donors, as well as demonstrate community support for the work of CCFESD. Our annual report also allows us to express our gratitude to the many generous donors who have established endowments or various other funds for the benefit of our community. We hope with increased awareness of the funds currently in existence, others will be inspired to be charitable.
2024 Annual Impact Report
The Catholic Community Foundation for Eastern South Dakota knows the importance of working together to create a brighter future for tomorrow, and the joy people experience knowing they are helping further the mission of the Church in their own community.
In this year’s annual report, you’ll see creative ways in which the Catholic Community Foundation is working to support the needs of some of the smaller parishes and communities in our Diocese. With aging populations and parish membership declining, we believe working together to establish sustainable funding now for the future needs of our communities is vital. If these stories inspire you, contact one of our staff or board members today.
CCFESD Updates
Financial Stewardship & Performance: September 30, 2024
In serving directed giving by donors to specific Catholic parishes, schools, cemeteries and other ministries, the CCFESD maintains a strong commitment to Catholic stewardship. This involves both good financial accounting, as well as Catholic Responsible Investing, with an annual independent audit. For the quarter ending September 30, 2024, the results are as follows: All of these gifts are directed by donors to specific ministries that they have designated, including local parishes, schools and other charities. While prudent financial management of these funds is critical in preserving capital and maximizing investment returns, the priority of the CCFESD is to incorporate Catholic Responsible Investment screening, utilizing a diversity of funds and managers. The investments within the CCFESD portfolio are screened to invest in accordance with Catholic values.
The Joy of Giving: 2024 CCFESD Annual Report
Each year, the CCFESD publishes an annual report of financial performance at the end of each fiscal year. These reports are intended to provide financial transparency in the performance and growth of the funds we manage for our donors, as well as demonstrate community support for the work of CCFESD. Our annual report also allows us to express our gratitude to the many generous donors who have established endowments or various other funds for the benefit of our community. We hope with increased awareness of the funds currently in existence, others will be inspired to be charitable View the Report
CCFESD November 2024 Board Meeting Recap
The Catholic Community Foundation for Eastern South Dakota (CCFESD) Board of Directors met in Sioux Falls on November 7th for strategic planning and their semi-annual board meeting. We are blessed to have board members from across the Diocese of Sioux Falls, who spent the morning strategizing ways to be advocates for the CCFESD in their communities. Several board members shared simple yet impactful ways they have helped their parishes, schools and neighbors understand how the CCFESD can assist with their charitable needs. In the afternoon, the Board convened for their meeting and reviewed highlights from the past six months, including: $176 million in assets, the majority of which are held in 994 endowments that will provide ongoing support to our Church and communities for generations to come. $8.2 million was distributed in the last fiscal year to 379 charities. Four successful events happened this summer, supporting causes such as seminarian [...]