David Vetch serves the Aberdeen/Pierre Deanery as Gift Plan Officer for the Aberdeen Catholic Foundation and the Pierre Catholic Foundation.  David was raised on a farm outside Onaka, SD, and loves the world of agriculture and small towns.  He and his wife Sara, have four grown children and currently 3 grandchildren, and one is on the way!

The “Joy of Giving” provides Peace and Joy in serving Jesus Christ and our Church. That is why Dave enjoys visiting with folks just like you.  David has served parishioners throughout the northwest territory of our Diocese since July 2016.  It brings Joy to Dave’s heart to aid parishioners in directing their gifts to their favorite parish, parish ministries, and their favorite charities.
Building a “Future Full of Hope” will ensure Bishop DeGrood’s Vision of “Lifelong Catholic Missionary Discipleship Through God’s Love!”  Call Dave at 605-218-0072 or email at dvetch@ccfesd.org.

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