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We are now in the fourth week of Lent. How quickly this time of deep personal reflection is passing. This past Sunday’s Gospel reading from John 3:16 reminded us of just how much God loves us – “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” John 3:16 It is simple and a concise summary of the entire Gospel:
- It’s made clear that the Father in Heaven loves us. We will never fully comprehend the depth of this truth. God the Father loves us with profound and perfect love. It’s a love that is deeper than anything else we could ever experience in life. His love is perfect.
- The Father’s love was made manifest by the gift of His Son Jesus. The Son meant everything to the Father, and the gift of the Son to us means that God gives us everything.
- We must believe in the transforming power of accepting the Son into our lives; to see this gift as a gift that gives us all we need. We must accept the Son into our lives by believing in Him and fully giving our life to Him.
- It is through our receiving of Him and giving our lives to Him, that we are saved. We will not perish in our sin; rather, we will be given eternal life. There is no other way to salvation than through the Son. We must know, believe, accept and embrace this truth.
Let us pray together:
Father in Heaven, I thank You for the perfect gift of your son Jesus. May I grow increasing aware of the daily presence of Jesus in my life. I believe in You, I trust in you, and I surrender myself fully to you, my loving God. Jesus, I trust in You. Amen