Honor the LORD with your wealth, with first fruits of all your produce; Then will your barns be filled with plenty, with new wine your vats will overflow. Proverbs 3:9-10


When thinking about “Leaving a Legacy” what comes to mind? Mark & Mary Weinheimer and their five children, Issac, Mary Grace, Mary Katherine, Daniel, and Milton from Pierre, SD have a very clear vision of what they want their legacy to be. That vision is to support and sustain seminarian education in the best way they know how – by selling sweet corn. Seminarian education has always been in the minds of the Weinheimers. The start of Set Ablaze really opened their eyes as to how deeply we are in need of priests. They often walk around their church praying for our country, seminarians, and priests. 


Mary homeschools her children, instilling the importance of their Catholic faith along with educating them on their school curriculum. They have attended the Bishop’s Fishing Tournaments in the past, this year was no exception. During this event, Catholic Community Foundation’s Aberdeen gift planning officer, Dave Vetch, was presenting. Dave said something that resonated with not only Mark & Mary but all of their children, “We are not called to give just today, Set Ablaze challenges us to be a part of this Catholic community throughout the entire year”. This was where the seed was planted. 


Upon prayer, the Weinheimer’s knew what they were going to do. The kids grew their sweet corn as they do every year and sold it on “their” corner. However, instead of keeping the proceeds, the children made the decision to give all the money raised ($2,500) to benefit seminarian education. “We knew we would have extra, so instead of selling it like we usually do we saw the need for seminarian education. So we raised the money for that.”


While the Weinheimers just simply donated the proceeds to seminarian education there is a way that farmers are able to follow in their footsteps! Did you know you have access to a unique and powerful option to donate a portion of your crop or other commodity? Gifts of Grain offer the opportunity to support the ministries and causes that are closest to your heart and also benefit from tax advantages and a streamlined process.

Simply deliver the grain to your local elevator or co-op, tell them you would like to transfer ownership to the Catholic Community Foundation for Eastern South Dakota and provide the Crop Commodity Transfer Form.  The Catholic Community Foundation will work directly with the elevator to arrange an immediate sale and then distribute the proceeds to the ministries you direct.

By gifting grain directly to CCFESD, you avoid the reportable sale of the grain in your farm income.  Although a charitable tax deduction is generally not available, the significant benefit is the avoidance of declaring it as income.  You still deduct the cost of growing the crop, which typically results in tax savings and benefits. It is always important, though, to consult with your tax advisor before making any decisions.

The Catholic Community Foundation is happy to assist farmers and ranchers who wish to share the harvest. Our team will guide you through the steps, answer your questions, and ensure your donation is directed to the ministries and charities that matter most to you.  Contact Heather Fortin at 605-988-3777 to get started.

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