The Catholic Community Foundation held its first-ever meeting in Yankton on April 29, celebrating the partnership with Mt Marty University and the collaboration with the greater Yankton area Catholic community.
Over two hundred people celebrated Mass at St Benedict’s parish with Bishop DeGrood and ten pastors from the region. A celebration followed with ceremonial checks given to:
  • $102,003.50 to “The Jackson Lee Vetch Memorial Fund,” representing the total amount that has been gifted to date to provide scholarships to young people to attend Christian summer camp experiences at Broom Tree Youth/Family Camp near Irene, and the Swan Lake Camp in Viborg.
  • $ 40,663 to Sacred Heart School in Yankton, representing the total distributions this year from the 17 individual endowments that the CCFESD has for the benefit of SHS.
  • $ 72,750 to the St Thomas More Newman Center at USD, representing the proceeds from the 2020 Bishop’s Charity Hunt and the Dave DeRouchey and Dick & Janet Kolker Endowment Funds. 
In addition, the Benedictine Sisters of Sacred Heart in Yankton were honored with the Catholic Community Foundation Stewardship Award honoring the hundreds of Sisters who have dedicated their lives to the Lord, serving the people of our Diocese in a variety of ministries including education, health care, parish ministry, social services, retreats, and numerous volunteer activities.
Ashley Gullikson, Gift Planning Officer for both the Catholic Community Foundation and Mt Marty University, specializes in helping donors support the charities that they care about through charitable estate planning. She is working with the pastors and parishes in the southern part of our Diocese and can be reached at or by calling 605-668-1286.

The Benedictine Sisters of Sacred Heart in Yankton were honored with the CCFESD Stewardship Award at the April 29 Board Meeting at Mount Marty University in Yankton.

CCFESD Board Member, Bernie Hunhoff, interviews Bishop DeGrood at the post-mass celebration.

CCFESD Board Members strategic planning discussion at the April 29 Board Meeting held at Mount Marty University.



Fr. Larry Regynski receives a check for Sacred Heart School, representing the annual total distribution from endowments held at the CCFESD for Sacred Heart School.

CCFESD Board Chair, BJ Schaefbauer, hosted the April 29 post-Mass celebration at St Benedict’s in Yankton, with some support by Bishop DeGrood and his wife and fellow board member, Brandei Schaefbauer.

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