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“It was the most life-giving event our parish has had in years,”
according to Holy Trinity School principal, Michelle Schoenfelder, which was highlighted by Mass celebrated by Bishop Donald DeGrood and Holy Trinity pastor, Fr. Larry Regynski, and attended by Catholics
CCFESD Prayer Committee pictured above
Mass with Bishop Donald Degrood pictured to the right
“It was an incredible event and we were honored to have it in Huron,” added Wayne Carr, who along with his wife, Kathy, are members of the CCFESD Board.
The day concluded with a reception, including a personal testimonial from Fred and Joan DeRouchey, from Holy Spirit parish in Mitchell.
“Without Nicole and the CCFESD we would not be experiencing the joy of giving on our faith journey,”
they shared in explaining why and how they are treating the Church like a member of their family in their estate plan.
“Having the CCFESD Board meet in Huron was a boost for the local community,” said Nicole Fuhrer, CCFESD Gift Planning Officer who is working with the local community to establish a “Future Full of Hope” vision for Huron. “The personal witness and stories from other people
across our Diocese helped us see how the faith community here can be enriched when individuals pull together under a big common vision.”
The primary work of the CCFESD takes place in its nine committees. Highlights of the committee and full board meeting:
Prayer Committee: praying for our clergy and seminarians by name – and for Eucharistic renewal and the successful implementation of the Set Ablaze vision for our Diocese. They are making an individual consecration to St. Joseph.
Finance Committee: reported total assets have grown from $200,000 in May 1987 to total assets today of $143.5 million and another $131 million in future estate gift expectancies, all to donor-designated charities (as of Feb. 28, 2023).
Grant Committee: since May 1987, $126 million has been distributed to hundreds of charities as designated by donors, including parishes, schools, and other charities across eastern South Dakota and beyond. At this meeting, through the unrestricted grant process, seven charities/ministries were awarded $43,500.
Executive/Search Committee: identified final candidates for the next President/CEO replacing the retiring president/CEO, Mark Conzemius.
Marketing Committee: focused on the importance of an updated, robust website.
Development Committee: $21.3 million received in charitable estate pledges, cash, and in-kind gifts over the 12-month period ending 3/31/23. 134,000 gifts have been processed totaling over $311 million.
Program Committee: the eight Bishop’s Charity Events produced by the CCFESD the year had a record 6,200 participants and net revenue of $856,000 designated for seminarian education, Newman Catholic campus ministry, Bishop Dudley Hospitality House, Broom Tree and the Cathedral.
Governance Committee: implementing an independent review of all policies, procedures, etc. to ensure the proper operation of the CCFESD.
Membership Committee: welcomed new members, Jesse and Kim Peterson, from Holy Name in Watertown; and thanked retiring members, Hugh and Cari Mack, St Bernard’s in Redfield, and Greg and Phyllis Heineman, St Mary’s in Sioux Falls.
The next CCFESD Board Meeting will be Thursday, Nov. 2, at the Cathedral of St Joseph in Sioux Falls, including the annual celebration of Mass with members of the St Joseph Legacy Society – those who have established an endowment and/or a charitable gift in their estate plan.