The Catholic Community Foundation (CCFESD) was blessed to hold its April  Board Meeting in the Blessed Sacrament Pastorate (Aberdeen area) on April 25th. Forty-five board members from around the Diocese of Sioux Falls joined for the day’s activities. The day started with five of committees meeting the discuss specific areas of the Foundation, such as grants, marketing and finance. Over lunch, gift planning officers shared inspiring stories across the diocese about how people are participating in missionary discipleship and impacting their communities through their giving.

The entire board came together in the afternoon to share important updates on the Foundation’s activities, approve of the fiscal year budget and discuss goals for the upcoming year. The day concluded with a Mass for the Aberdeen area community celebrated by Bishop Donald DeGrood, followed by a reception to celebrate the Catholic community of the pastorate and surrounding area. It is beautiful to see and hear of all of the witnesses to God’s love for the diocese and the ways that He is working through us to bring others to know of His love.

The next CCFESD Board Meeting will be Thursday, Nov. 7, at the Cathedral of St Joseph in Sioux Falls. The day will include the annual celebration of Mass with members of the St Joseph Legacy Society – those who have established an endowment and/or a charitable gift in their estate plan.


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