The Catholic Community Foundation for Eastern South Dakota (CCFESD) hosted CEOs of Catholic Foundations from across the country at the Cathedral of St Joseph in Sioux Falls, June 3-5. It was the tenth year since this group of CEOs begin meeting, and the first under the newly formed Consortium of Catholic Foundations.
“I’ve been blessed to be a part of these professional gatherings since the beginning. It has been invaluable to be able to share best practices with my colleagues from across the country,” said Mark Conzemius, President/CEO of the CCFESD.  “After meeting in larger metropolitan areas like Dallas, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Denver, Columbus and Santa Clara, it was fun to welcome my peers to our Diocese and Sioux Falls. They overwhelmingly affirmed the hospitality, friendliness, ease and especially the faith, of our people. It was another reminder of how blessed I am.”
This year’s theme: “Though Many, We Are the Body of Christ” was experienced in many special ways by all who attended, including the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with Bishop Donald DeGrood, Archbishop Thomas Gullickson and the Perpetual Adoration Sisters.
The CEO Symposium began with a reminder of why we do what we do. Several members of the CCFESD Board of Directors shared their personal motivation for why they voluntarily serve on the Board and support the mission of the CCFESD.

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