For those in the agricultural community, finding a unique and meaningful way to offer their first gifts to their parish, parish ministries, and favorite charities can be both rewarding and impactful. John and Kate Gutenkauf, local farmers from Pierre, have discovered a wonderful method to merge their faith with their way of life: the gift of grain.

“A gift of grain to my parish seems appropriate considering that we as farmers depend on the Good Lord for the crop,” John shared. This method not only symbolizes their dependence on divine providence for their harvest but also provides a tangible way to integrate their faith into their daily lives.

John and Kate also appreciate the financial benefits of this type of donation. The gift of grain can be considered a tax-deductible gift, enabling them to make a more substantial contribution than they might otherwise be able to. This allows them to support their parish and other causes they care about more effectively.

The Catholic Community Foundation has streamlined the process of making such donations, making it easier for farmers like John and Kate to give. John noted, “I can make one gift that not only supports my local parish of Ss. Peter & Paul but also directs some of that gift to other worthy ministry efforts, like the Bishop’s Fishing Tournament in Pierre.”

This method of giving highlights the deep connection between their livelihood and their faith, providing a powerful testament to their commitment to their community and their beliefs. By choosing to give a gift of grain, John and Kate are setting an inspiring example of how faith and work can come together to support and uplift their parish and beyond.


Get in touch with a gift officer near you to learn more about how you can give with a gift of grain.

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