The CCFESD has been entrusted to steward over $150 million in charitable assets since it was established by Bishop Dudley and a group of forward-thinking lay leaders in 1987. We take seriously our duty and obligation to steward these gifts with Catholic values, using best business practices and responsible financial reporting, following the highest standards for accounting, investments, and client services. Our Finance & Administrative Team is currently working on our annual independent audit with Eide Bailly, LLP, which includes reviews of our policies and procedures to ensure that they continue to be followed.

The audit is then reviewed in detail by the Audit Committee, acting as a subcommittee of the Finance Committee of the CCFESD Board (led by Board Member, Al Spencer), which also reviews the audit to ensure the good stewardship of donors’ gifts.

Though the audit takes place in the fall after the close of our fiscal year, our administrative team prepares throughout the year, on a daily and weekly basis, by ensuring that we follow all policies and procedures and that we properly handle and archive all documents and maintain strong internal controls.
Achieving an unmodified or “clean opinion” at the end of an audit is a critical success factor for our team.  A copy of the audit is available upon request.. You can also view general financial statements in our annual reports at

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